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What we can do


Although there is much more, includes:


Handling all media, from writing Press Releases and getting them circulated to holding full-scale Press Conferences;


Providing 24 hour hotlines, terminated anywhere in the world to facilitate fast reports to be made;


Designing  and distributing Missing Person Posters - our in house Graphic Designer can also produce web banners and anything else to help the search;


Arranging Flights, Hotels and Hire Cars at discounted rates or free;


Liaising with the FCDO, Police, Interpol, British Embassy or any other authority on your behalf;


Offer sound advice based on real experience every step of the way;


Promote a Missing Person Profile on this website and circulate it to all major media both in the UK and the country concerned;


Run a campaign using our social media - targeted to the area in question;


Provide repatriation services to get the Missing Person back home;


Talk to and get support from your local MP / MEP;


Supply a list of lawyers, search teams etc, although we can't guarantee any services carried out by a third party;


Arrange fund raising campaigns and appeals to help raise funds to cover the costs of a search;


Talk to employers and people you need to pay - going abroad on a search can lead to prolonged absences and unpaid bills - we can try to explain why this is happening to them;


Conduct our own investigations for you, although the Data Protection Act may forbid us from disclosing certain details;


Arrange for funds to be transferred from the UK to wherever you need them


Discuss, and if deemed necessary, arrange for a reward to be offered for information;


Explain how different governments and cultures work, and how this will affect your search;


Be there for you whenever you need us throughout the ordeal.

What we can't do


Whilst we endeavour to provide every service you could need, you should be aware of a few areas we can't help:


We can't provide financial help from our own funds, although we can run appeals for you;


We can't conduct physical searches, although we can help arrange them for you and support them throughout;


We can only work with cases where the person missing or in need of assistance is a British National. This is for no other reason than the contacts and support networks we work with are only able to provide assistance to British Nationals.



All the services we provide for families of those missing or in need of assistance are completely free of charge.


Part of our service includes the sourcing of cut price (and when possible, free) flights and accommodation for such families if they are needed. However, at the moment we are sadly not in a position to be able to fund the actual cost of flights or hotels ourselves. Very occasionally we may be able to make a small contribution to these costs but this remains at the discretion of our board and every case is considered individually.

LBT Global is a Registered Charity in England no. 1118143 and in Scotland no. SC044294


Tel: 01983 718802      Email:  enquiries@lbtglobal       copyright LBT Global 2020

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