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Thomas Moore

July 31, 2003 - Pan-Europe

Eight and a half  years ago, in July 2003, Thomas (Tom) Moore left home and has not been seen since. He was 32 when he left.

He had been suffering from schizophrenia (non-violent) since he was 19, and sought solace by carrying out pilgrimages to holy shrines such as Lourdes and Mezogorge, mainly in Europe.

We know that he was in Ancona on the 20th of July 2003, because he used his card to withdraw a small amount of cash. Since that date he has never used his card again.

It is known that he spent a period of time at a refuge in Milan in 2005, and there has been a potential sighting in the South West Germann town of Freudenstadt, near Stuttgart.

It is highly likely that Tom will visit a place of religious significance over the Christmas period. He is a devout follower of the Marian faith.

Tom is likely to seek shelter in religious refuges, and to be wearing a cross and rosary. He had a  beard with a reddish tinge, and is 5ft 8 inches tall, likely to be dressed as a homeless wanderer. He is a sweet natured man, philosophical and motivated by a deep religious belief.

Tom's family have no desire to interfere with his plans or prevent him from continuing his travels. They would just like to know that he is safe and happy.

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