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John Bainbridge

January 26th 2018 - Algarve, Portugal.

UPDATE – POSSIBLE SIGHTING PORTIMÃO (Algarve) 28/3/18 11am/1130am

If you are in the Portimāo area or know someone who is, please keep a special eye out for John and if you see him, please call 112 immediately and stay with him until help arrives.


74 year old John left his home in Odelouca, Silves, Algarve, Portugal in the early hours of Friday 26th January 2018. He was seen by a neighbour at around 5.30am and seemed to head towards Laranjeira (Alferce direction).

He was seen again later in the day on a track near his home but has not been seen since.

John is 6ft talland is of slim build. he has short/balding grey hair and brown eyes. When John went missing he was wearing a black jumper, blue jeans, a pale blue and white finely-striped long-sleeved collared shirt, black trainers with white stripes along sides. He also possibly wore a belt and a hat (colour not known).

John is considered vulnerable and there are concerns for his well-being.

Do you have any information?

From the UK you can call our freephone recorded intelligence line on 0800 098 8485. Calls are free from landlines but may be charged from mobiles. You do not need to leave your name.

From overseas you can call +44800 098 8485 but this will incur costs. Please check before you call.

Alternatively you may prefer to email any information to

All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.


LBT Global is a Registered Charity in England no. 1118143 and in Scotland no. SC044294

Tel: 01983 718802      Email:  enquiries@lbtglobal       copyright LBT Global 2020

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